Body Heat at The Royal Cinema

Sweat is at its sexiest in BODY HEAT, starring William Hurt and Kathleen Turner in her debut. Please join us on June 08 at The Royal Cinema for a screening of this Femme Fatale classic.  Partial sales benefit Yellowbird Foundation.

Click here for info and tickets:



Lectura Ovidii at TIFF Bell Lightbox

The Nookie is thrilled to partner with the Italian Contemporary Film Festival to co-present Davide Cavuti's  Lectura Ovidii at Tiff Bell Lightbox on June 16. This event offers a look at the classic Roman poet, Ovid - prolific and sometimes risqué - who wrote about love, seduction and mythological transformation.

Ovid's work, although graphic, often represented women's triumph and transformation in the face of oppression. With the renewed political interest in regulating women's bodies, we are genuinely honoured to help portray the work of an artist who illustrated the power of the feminine. 

You can find more information and tickets here: